Once upon a time there lived a little girl in a haunted house in the middle of the town called Rotovegas she had no parents to live with they died in a car crash. The little girls name is Nia and the school she goes to is Kit Kat School. And every time she went to school she got bullied but Nia kept laughing so the bullies just keep doing it.
Whea gear was scared of Nia i don't know way. Then at the end of the term she only had 1 friend
called Gus he was a boy and liked Nia they play to gather and have sleep overs. One night they were talking about should we get married tomorrow Gus said yes we should OK i will tell my mum and dad said Gus. So the next day Gus told his parents and they were really really happy about it.
So the mum and dad arranged the wedding Nia got a pretty wedding dress and Gus got a cool tuxedo. So the got ready and put there clothes on and Nia dress everybody was there even the teacher was there so the wedding started. THE END......


Hi my name is Hope and I am 12 years old and I go to Kaitao Middle school. The hobbies I like to do
is netball, soccer, swim and shop.In my family I have 3 sisters and 1 brother. So my school is cool especially the ICT teacher his name is Mr apperley he teaches us to do blogging. The food I like to
eat are chili con carn , takeaways, MC D's. My friends names are... Amber, Holly, Kate, Ashely Robin, Tillita, Celene and lots more. My favorite subjects are Art, Reading, Technology, Literacy
Handwriting, Maths and lots more. Now I have to go....... BYE

!!!!!During School Time!!!!!

As soon as I get to school I walk around till the bell rings then I line up outside my class
room then all the girls go get changed into our P.E gear then we put our bags in the class.
Then we go to line up in our meting area to do our team fitness after that we go do maths
we learn lots in maths. After break we do spelling and handwriting then we do science
then after lunch we all do social studies after that we all do class fitness. Then we all got
changed into our school uniform go to class and do the Karakia then it was time to go

My Mate

My mate Tilly is a cool mate to hang out with she has lot mates to hang out with. Tilly is funny and i walk home with her all the time Tilly always makes me laugh and I always go to her house
mostly everyday afternoon. Tilly has 2 sisters and 1 little brother.She comes over to my house
to sleep over on the weekends.

Year 8 Noho Marae

The time we had to be at the Marae was 9:15am. That very day we all went to
the museum it was cool because of the shaking chairs. The next day we did we

participated in Technology. Then on the last day we went swimming at the
Aquatic centre then after we got dressed and went to have a turn on the

Waka then we all got on the bus and went to school and our parents

came & picked us up.